Friday, February 6, 2009


I've always enjoyed what I might incorrectly call African Tribal music. Cum-Bah-Ya, when I was a teenager, was thought to be of African origin. The Africans have always seemed, to me at least, to have such a "real" "truthful" way of presenting life in there songs....both the words and the music. Until recently, with the advent of YouTube, etc, I hadn't been able to really listen to much of this type music. I've been enjoying listening to more now. Here is one of my favorites of late. It's called Homeless and is by a very talented group of Africans. It's about being homeless....really homeless. Listen, as one of the singers quickly tells the words in English at the beginning of the presentation. Crank up the speakers.....and Enjoy! :)

(Be sure to pause the player at the bottom of this page before playing the video)

Stanley :)

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I love that music. I don't know if I told you but at camp this summer and the Catalyst conference we went to we got to see a childrens' chior from Africa. I cried every time, just thinking about those children and what they came from and now they travel across the US and get to perform for so many people. Here is a link from when they were at Catalyst.